6.S058: Introduction to Computer Vision

Spring 2025

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Course Overview

This course provides an introduction to computer vision, covering topics from early vision to mid- and high-level vision, including low-level image analysis, edge detection, image transformations for image synthesis, methods for 3D scene reconstruction, motion analysis and tracking. Additionally, presents basics of machine learning, convolutional neural networks, and transformers in the context of image and video data for object classification, detection, and segmentation.


Make sure to check out the course info below, as well as the schedule for updates. The course units are 4-0-11 (Undergraduate Level, CI-M Subject). The prerequisites of this course are (18.06 or 18.C06), and (6.1200, 6.3700, 6.3800, 18.05, or 18.600). Good luck with your semester!
Classroom recordings will be posted here.

Course Information

Course Instructors

CI-M Instructors

Amy Carleton

Course Assistant

For any personal or logistical questions, such as regarding absenses, accomodations, etc, please email the course assistant, Taylor Braun, not the instructors directly.

Teaching Assistants

Please use the course Piazza page for all communication with the teaching staff.

Jamison Meindl

Kathy Choi

Kelly Cui

Madeline Loui

Time and Classroom

01:00 pm - 2:30 pm every Tuesday and Thursday in 34-101.

Office Hours (All times in ET)

Which instructor/TA for which OH is tracked on the TA OH calendar.

Please direct all problem set questions to TAs rather than instructors!


Phillip: Wednesday 1 - 2pm
Bill: Friday 3 - 4pm, 45-741F (office)
Tianhong: Wednesday 2 - 3 pm


Room will be on the TA OH calendar.
Monday 11 - 12am
Tuesday 11am - 1pm
Wednesday 3 - 4pm
Thursday 11am - 1pm

Grading Policy

Psets: 40%
Midterm: 20%
Final project: 40%
 • Proposal and progress report: 10%, graded by CI-M instructors.
 • Final report: 20%
 • Presentation: 10%
CI-M participation: required for MIT undergraduates.