6.S058: Introduction to Computer Vision

Spring 2025

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This schedule is preliminary and subject to change as the term evolves.

You can find the Course notes under Files on Canvas.
Lecture recordings will be posted here.

Lecture Date Topic Instructor Course Materials Assignments
Week 1
1 Tue 02/04/2025 Introduction,
Simple Vision System
Bill Reading: Chapter 2
2 Thu 02/06/2025 Image Formation:
Pinhole Cameras, Lenses, Cameras as Linear Systems
Bill Reading: Chapter 5, 6, 7
Week 2
3 Tue 02/11/2025 Foundations of Image Processing:
Linear Filtering, Fourier Analysis
Bill Reading: Chapter 15, 16
pset1 out
Tutorial Tue 02/11/2025 Python Tutorial Session 1
When: 3pm - 5pm
Where: 34-101
Colab workbook, instruction
4 Thu 02/13/2025 Spatial Linear Filters,
Temporal Linear Filters
Bill Reading: Chapter 17, 18, 19
Tutorial Thu 02/13/2025 Python Tutorial Session 2
When: 11am - 1pm
Where: 45-230
Colab workbook, instruction
Week 3
Tue 02/18/2025 Monday Schedule: No Class
5 Thu 02/20/2025 Filter Banks and Image Pyramids Bill Reading: Chapter 22, 23
pset1 due
pset2 out
Week 4
6 Tue 02/25/2025 How to do research, give talks, write Bill/Phillip Reading: Chapter 52, 53, 54
Tutorial Wed 02/26/2025 PyTorch Tutorial Session 1
When: 3-5 pm
Where: 2-190
Jamie Official Tutorial
7 Thu 02/27/2025 Learning to See Phillip Reading: Chapter 9, 11
Tutorial Thu 02/27/2025 PyTorch Tutorial Session 2
When: 9am - 11pm
Where: Zoom
Madi Official Tutorial
Week 5
8 Tue 03/04/2025 Neural Networks Phillip Reading: Chapter 12, 13
pset2 due
pset3 out
9 Thu 03/06/2025 Convolutional Neural Networks and Transformers Phillip Reading: Chapter 24, 26
Week 6
10 Tue 03/11/2025 Statistical Image Models Phillip Reading: Chapter 27
11 Thu 03/13/2025 Learning Visual Representations Tianhong Reading: Chapter 30
pset3 due
Week 7
12 Tue 03/18/2025 Perceptual Grouping Phillip
13 Thu 03/20/2025 Midterm
Week 8
Tue 03/25/2025 Spring Break: No Class
Thu 03/27/2025 Spring Break: No Class
Week 9
14 Tue 04/01/2025 Generative Modeling of Images and Videos Tianhong pset4 out
15 Thu 04/03/2025 Datasets, Curation, Biases Phillip project proposal due
Week 10
16 Tue 04/08/2025 Robustness and Adaptation Tianhong
17 Thu 04/10/2025 3D Estimation Phillip pset4 due
pset5 out
Week 11
18 Tue 04/15/2025 Representing Images and Geometry Tianhong
19 Thu 04/17/2025 Motion Estimation, Optical Flow, and Tracking Deqing Sun
Week 12
20 Tue 04/22/2025 Radiance Fields Tianhong pset5 due
pset6 out
21 Thu 04/24/2025 Object Recognition Tianhong
project progress report due
Week 13
22 Tue 04/29/2025 Fairness, Ethics in CV Sara
23 Thu 05/01/2025 Vision and Language Tianhong pset6 due
Week 14
24 Tue 05/06/2025 Deployable CV/ML Tianhong
25 Thu 05/08/2025 Event Horizon Telescope Bill
Week 15
26 Tue 05/13/2025 TBD Final project report due