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6.S058: Introduction to Computer Vision

Spring 2025

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Pset Policy

The following rules apply to all psets throughout the semester.


Late Policy

Mathematically, if you earn p points, and submit t days late (between 0 and 7), your modified grade will be: (1.0 - 0.5t/7)p.

Additionally, we grant you an Important-Reason Grace Allowance for problem sets: We grant you 3 penalty-free late days for the semester for any important reason. This only waives existing late penalties - it CANNOT be used to extend a pset past a week! You do NOT have to inform us or ask for permission to use your 3 penalty-free late days - you can just use them. Please note that the goal of the allowance is to accomodate serious circumstances that prohibit you from completing your pset in time (e.g., sickness). The allowance is NOT meant to accomodate trivial circumstances. We will let you determine which circumstances you deem serious. This also means that you cannot "save" penalty-free late days — they will be used up as soon as you accumulate late days whether or not you were granted an extension through MIT's Student Support Services (S3). The point is that you do not need to ask for official approval until you run out of penalty-free late days. Any request beyond the allowance requires S3 approval.

Collaboration Policy

AI assistants policy

Submission Method

Problem sets are to be submitted electronically on Canvas or Gradescope depending on the specific submission instructions.


Students with special circumstances should get a note from MIT's Student Support Services (S3).
Grade release is planned for two weeks after the deadline; we will consider regrade requests submitted up to a week after release.

Midterm Logistics

Time and Location

Date: Thursday, March 20, 2025 (during lecture time)


Exam Content

The exam format will primarily be multiple-choice questions. The midterm will cover:

Allowed Materials

You may bring a one-page, double-sided cheatsheet, either printed or handwritten, with reasonably sized font.

Extended Time Accommodations

The extended-time exam will occur at the same date and starting time, continuing beyond the standard duration.

Makeup Exam

A makeup exam is scheduled for students who cannot attend the primary exam session.

Makeup Date: Friday 9:00 am, March 21, 2025, Room 3-442.

To request a makeup, email 6.S058-personal@mit.edu with your reason by Thursday, March 13, 2025. Common valid reasons include required attendance in another class or schedule conflicts.

Requests received after the March 13 deadline cannot be guaranteed and will require support from Student Support Services (S3).

If you cannot attend either the standard or makeup exam, only medical or similarly significant reasons supported by S3 will be accepted.

Project Policy

See Project.